Latrovalis & Co. | Olives Deelicious - Premium quality

Latrovalis is a third generation family business specializing in the curing, packaging and exporting of Greek olives.

We are happy to keep you spoilt for choice. Navigate through our broad collection of exclusively Greek olives in a rich variety of form and packaging to suit your every need and desire.No matter what you select, you can be sure of one thing:Latrovalis Olives Deelicious deserve their name.

Latrovalis olives deelicious


Our family has been dedicated to the craft of curing olives for three generations.... The olive, a nutritional powerhouse food, is plucked off the olive tree in an inedible state, and requires the craft of curing to turn it into what is called a table olive.

Today we know that transforming this nutritional treasure into an umami-packed delicacy that can be savored by even the most demanding epicure is also an art.

The art of sourcing the best olive crop, applying the optimum curing method, and waiting for the taste notes to unravel.


Premium quality is non-negotiable for Latrovalis. But, then again, so is taste. That is why... we go to great lengths to discover the farmers who are as passionate about growing their olives as we are about curing them.

At harvest time, a well-orchestrated team springs into action to make sure that the freshly-harvested olives reach our curing facility in less than 24 hours, no matter which remote part of Greece they are sourced from.We go the extra mile to make sure that every olive you savor bursts its flavors on your palate.

We take pride in producing olives that deserve a class of their own: Olives Deelicious.


We should all care about Earth as much as we care about our homes, so that our children can grow... up in a healthy environment.

Our company’s sustainable development is based on three Rs: Reduce –Reuse –Recycle. We do everything humanly possible to reduce our company’s impact on the environment through a wide variety of practices ranging from treating all the liquid waste we produce to powering as much of our activity as we can with clean energy.

We reuse and repair anything that can be reused and repaired, and when that is no longer possible, we make sure it is recycled.

Now, we urge you to join Latrovalis “Reuse it first before you Recycle” project


Welcome to, a world of knowledge, insight, and inspiration associated with ... nature’s most powerful wonderfood. We are proud to be nurturing a blog “all about olives”, where you can learn the history they are endowed with, the health benefits they confer, and the tantalizing recipes they can be used in. Make one visit and we are sure you will be coming back for more. Thankfully, we regularly update the content so that there is always something for everyone.

Latrovalis is a third generation family business specializing in the curing, packaging and exporting of Greek olives. We all work tirelessly to ensure that we can combine the quality of a small family business with the professionalism of a large exporting company.

With a strong foundation in age-old methods and traditions enhanced by state-of-the-art technology and scientific support, Latrovalis & co. remains a family business focusing on exporting to the four corners of the globe a 'food fit for the gods'.

The climatic conditions coupled with the soil composition in Greece have blessed this country with the cultivation and production of some of the

highest quality olives in the world. We make it our business to travel around Greece and select only 'the best of the best' to bring back to our factory.

For all of us here at Latrovalis & co. quality is our passion and so everything we do is aimed at producing olives that we first bring to our own table.